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zur Person
Name Nachname Lucas Reckermann
Nick recki
Geburtsdatum 24.01.1989 (25)
Wohnort 47226 - Duisburg, Deutschland
Position Team Captain CS:GO
Skype --
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Über Lucas Reckermann
Hello Guys
I'm Lucas - Back in my career i played for teams like ESC ICY BOX and x6tence.ESET .
I'm currently living in Germany, but im half spanish - thats why i had the pleasure to get in touch with both CS-Scenes.
I still love to compete and thats why im trying hard to get back to the top.

My Stream:: http://www.twitch.tv/reckination

Past notable Teams
ESC ICYBOX (recki, d0m AZ, loomit, tankJr, todi, nabeo)
x6tence.ESET (recki, poWer, r1bera, FlipiN, GuMmY)
SNOGARD (recki, bastian, night, xavi, loomit, bxz, cLy)
Tera.Mindfactory (recki, ARsome, ANT1, threeman, Kirby)